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AmazoneSex (2001)

22 votes, average 6.7 out of 10

Synopsis: There is actually no plot, but it can be described as an “Andrew Blake”-esque and “Michael Ninn”-oid dream-fantasy of beautiful people, like former “perfect 10”-model Lisa Crawford, having sex. I.e. amazons hunting men and themselves and making love in a fantasy-setting.

Title..........: AmazoneSex (2001)
Release date...: 1 Jan 2001
Language.......: Français
Studio.........: Metro
Scene..........: Split
Total Scene....: 03
Screen list....: View
Container......: mp4
Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps
Resolution.....: 480p
File Size......: 170mb - 200mb
Posted on:
Views:2,064 views
Genre: Fantasy
Duration: 88 Min

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