Synopsis: Martina was a famous singer in Argentina during the late 90s, who’s become completely frigid and disenchanted with love. The arrival of a so-called sister, alongside her attractive boyfriend, compel Martina to go to Chile with one objective in mind: getting back her libido.
Title..........: Dry Martina (2018) Release date...: 21 Jun 2018 Language.......: English, Spanish Studio.........: Forastero Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 480p || 720p File Size......: 397mb || 911mb
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Tagline:Thirsty for love
Quality: HD
Year: 2018
Duration: 95 Min
Director:Che Sandoval
Cast:Alejandro Goic, Álvaro Espinoza, Antonella Costa, Etienne Bobenrieth, Eyal Meyer, Fernando Guzzoni, Geraldine Neary, Héctor Morales, Humberto Miranda, Joaquin Fernández, Joaquin Mussio, Juan Pablo Correa, Lucas Espinoza, Martín Garabal, Patricio Contreras, Pedro Campos, Rafael Gumucio, Sergio Diaz, Sergio Nicloux