Synopsis: As the human species adapts to a synthetic environment, the body undergoes new transformations and mutations. Accompanied by his partner Caprice, celebrity performance artist Saul Tenser showcases the metamorphosis of his organs. Meanwhile, a mysterious group tries to use Saul’s notoriety to shed light on the next phase of human evolution.
Title..........: Crimes of the Future (2022) Release date...: 25 May 2022 Language.......: English, Français Studio.........: Ingenious Media Split Scene....: No Screen list....: View Container......: mp4 Audio codec....: AAC, 128 Kbps Resolution.....: 720p File Size......: 464mb
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Views:3,124 views
Tagline:Surgery is the new sex.
Quality: HD
Year: 2022
Duration: 107 Min
Revenue:$ 3.201.315,00
Director:David Cronenberg